Friday, December 23, 2016

Winding Down 2016!

It's the Winter Solstice today!  With all of the buzz and razzle-dazzle this time of year, I probably 'shouldn't' be posting here but dang! -- slowing down and connecting and smiling and stepping outside of the razz is liberating and calming... and a must to keep some sanity.

My original holiday card writing (which doing ours and receiving others' is one of my greatest joys) was axed as 'too political' which I was balked at but finally conceded and resigned to just post it here:

Oh gosh, 2016, wow-wee.  Well, first… no, I don’t know what’s first.  Many things have been confusing, heartbreaking, eye-opening – personally, nationally and worldly.  Most all of it is based in fear.  What’s the opposite of fear?  Love.

So we’re sending love to you, our most loved in the world.  We pray that you and every person in this world – including our personal and public oppressors – speak and act with love – with mindfulness, selflessness and compassionate kindness.  And that every person in this world feels love in their life.  Let us be generous with each other and be able to imagine standing in each others’ shoes.

A prayer that I try to pray which I heard from a woman who spoke at President Obama’s inauguration is ‘Lord, Let Me Be A Blessing’.  When we are seeking to understand each other, serve each other, listen to each other, accept each other:  we bless each other.  And those blessings make precious ticks towards peace, towards harmony, towards balance.

We are each only one person.   We make so many mistakes and we need each other – each other’s support and forgiveness.  We need to stay hopeful.  We need to stay faithful.  We need to hurdle fear and count our blessings… for which you are one of our dearest.

Peace, Love and Open-mindedness happened in 2016 too – and we wish you these this holiday season and all through 2017.

Warm wishes and many blessings to you and your loved ones!

Aaaaah, it feels good to let it out.  Thank you internet and this blog's following of three (;

Also wanted to post the entry from today's God Calling:

Children, take every moment as of My Planning and ordering.  Remember your Master is the Lord of the day's little happenings.  In all the small things yield to My gentle pressure on your arm.  Stay or go, as that pressure, Love's pressure, indicates.

The Lord of the moments, Creator of the snowdrop and the mighty oak.  More tender with the snowdrop than the oak.

And when things do not fall out according to your plan, then smile at Me indulgently, a smile of Love, and say, as you would to a human loved one "Have your way then" -- knowing that My loving response will be to make that way as easy for your feet as it can be.

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