Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Oh my little sister.  Robin T. Bate - that's how she signed her artwork.  Thirteen years ago today she flew to heaven.

I am so thankful for Robin.  So thankful for her life and death.  Getting to have a sister like her.  Her death has freed, molded and taught me so much of what life is about.  I trust so much that I know God took her for divine reason.  One we can't understand.  The agony, depression, fear and acute sadness seemed bottomless.  But I am so thankful for the choice to be able to move with it, through it by subscribing to Grace and seeking joy in suffering - the blessings that can come from such heartache and tragedy.  The Calling to be happy and think of good things and draw nearer to the One who never changes and is a haven and the ultimate comforter.

Robin, despite the difficulties in her life, had a light, kind, accepting, peace-invoking, fun-loving free-spiritedness that inspires me even more today than ever.

I'm overwhelmed with gratitude and humility that we have so many choices everyday about how we think, act, react.  That we can always be forgiven and are renewed every day.  To have the choice to carry on, learn from our experiences and not let earthly grief, stereotypes and expectations rule us is incredible!

Here's to Robin, my amazing sis, to you, to all those you've touched and have touched you.  To peace and love and acceptance and humility.  ( :

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